Week 9 Story: How Mr. Rabbit Was Too Sharp for Mr. Fox

Brer Fox laughed when he found Brer Rabbit tangled up with Tar-Baby. Brer Fox felt like he was on top of the world. Brer Rabbit was fooling Brer Fox. “My oh my, did I get you this time Brer fox,” he said. “You’ve been sassy to me and running around this town like you own the place,” said Brer Rabbit. Brer Rabbit was fed up with Brer Fox thinking he owns the town. Tar-Baby heard Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit arguing. He peaked his head up from the pound. Tar-Baby said he was fed up with Brer Fox as well. Tar-Baby decided to make a plan with Brer Rabbit on how they can teach Brer Fox a lesson. “He does not own this town!” screamed Brer Rabbit. “I am sick of him thinking he can play all of these pranks on us and get away with it,” said Tar-Baby. “How about we fool Brer Fox by throwing snakes in his home?” asked Brer Rabbit. “Oh, that is a perfect idea,” said Tar-Baby. Tar-Baby started to grin and move his hands together as if he was screaming toge...