Week 8 Reading and Writing
I would not say I am happy with both my blog or website but my mission and plan this week is to fix the both of them. By fixing them, I mean that I am going to change the layout, re-organize both my project website and blog, and add more extra credit assignments to get caught up on class points. I am satisfied with my writings so far this semester, however, I know I can push myself and be more creative. I consider my biggest accomplishments so far for this class is learning how to write in new ways and writing about topics I have never written about before. My favorite reading so far is the Adam and Eve story. My reading notes are helping me each week for my story because sometimes I forget what exactly happened in stories when I read them so for me personally I think it is always good to take notes on stories I read. New reading stories I have discovered is writing down more of main ideas versus specific characters or small details. I know I have to improve on my organizational skills and making sure I turn in everything on time. My goal is have everything on time and extra credit completed for the rest of this semester.
This is my favorite image from the story, Adam and Eve. I have always loved this story because I am a Christian. I think this image is beautiful. I hope you enjoy.
Looking forward, I plan to stay organized, timely, and make sure I am happy with all the work I am submitting. This week, I plan to fix some things in my website and blog. I want to make both of them more colorful and visually appealing. I also want to turn in everything on time and do extra credit. I can't wait to finish this class feeling successful and that I learned a lot.
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