Time Strategies

 Overall, I really enjoyed reading about the time management strategies because that is something that is very important to me. I thought that the article, "Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination," was a great and informational article for me personally because I procrastinate badly sometimes. I enjoyed scamming over all the articles and learning new tools I can use to be for time efficient. I think my biggest challenges will be to have motivation to complete all my assignments early since life is not normal and I am not as busy with school as I normally am. I personally do better in school when I am busy, and since I am not as busy this semester due to COVID and not being a member of the OU Pom team, I need to make sure I stay on top of my studies. Overall, I think these articles were extremely helpful and I think that I will refer back to them the whole semester. 

I selected this image because it is from the article, "Four Questions to Help You Overcome procrastination." It is an important article for me.


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